Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Ugly Facts About My Metabolism

pic from here

It's not rare that I grumbled about my fat tummy recently. I have succeeded weaning my son, and as for the price I gain five kilos! ...in three months .. or perhaps two. The good thing is I still wear the same number for my jeans. But my fat just hate to hide inside it, they just love to show off. So even though it still fits, it fits reaaaally really tight!

I had a picture of myself when being six months pregnant, and my tummy that times was just four centimeters more advance then now. Magic! Anyway, FYI, I'm eating crackers while typing this right now, so don't be surprised. :P

So what happens exactly (instead of me can't stop munching these crackers which ONLY consist of carbos)??!!! I try to analyze it and of course willing to share with you.. Here are some facts:
  1. I'm being 30 this year. I'd like to introduce you to my new metabolism. I should tell you that she's completely uncool compares to the old one. She's ugly and lazy!
  2. I've done breastfeeding (which I terribly miss it right now.... terribly!). You mothers must know how much calories we burn while we breastfeed our babies. And now that I have stoped doing it, so hellooooo calories!
  3. I still eat as if I'm still breastfeeding, include the dessert. For you who have read some of my recent posts, must know what kind of dessert that I serve and eat at home. *grin*
  4. I'm now working at home, so I don't do any effort to burn some calories. My "cubicle" is just 15 steps from my bed, ten steps from our couch, and five steps from the toilet. Well, it might need 15 more steps to get to the fridge, but compared with the calories input I get from anything I take from it, I guess it would still nothing. 
  5. I don't do exercise unless a once-in-a-week-yoga which I often absent.
  6. Back to this new metabolism... She's not just being renewed because I'm being 30,  pregnancy, labor, and weaning has made her became an ugly fat lazy monster. Seriously, this new metabolism is really lazy!
As a dentist, I was trained  to analyze problems and find for solutions. Ah... of course, there are many solutions I can make for my problem
  1. work out!!! --> too lazy to do it!
  2. consume slimming tablets or drinks or herbals... --> errr... skip! Unless if you have any suggest what's safe to take?
  3. go to slimming center? --> hmmm... well honestly I'v googled this a little. But I finished in conclusion that it might just makes me to spend a lot of money just to eat less. So why bother?
  4. diet! -> uhmmmmm, okay!
 There are two ways that I finally chose for my new diet:
1. Eat more protein and lessen calories (but why I then keep munching these crackers???!!!)
2. Try fruits and vegies detoxification.

It just started two days ago, when I and husband finally decided to eat just tiny scope of rice for our lunch and dinner. Then, I asked him to do this fruit detox which he agreed. Fruit detox is a detoxification by eating only fruits or vegies or juice of  one or both the whole day, for three days. There are many ways of detoxification actually, I chose to do the way I just explained.

Hence we bought one huge watermelon, one big papaya, a half melon, and bunch of bananas. We were very optimist to do this detoxification for three days. If we lack of fruits we're just gonna buy them for more. On Monday morning we had mixed fruits and mixed fruits juice for breakfast. I also made my husband to bring a medium pack of mixed fruits to work, he might get hungry easily. We had the same mixed fruits again for lunch, plus mixed fruits juice... we began to complain. I even had kacang panjang rebus with sambal terasi for my snacks. I needed something spicy...something savory...something like meat!

Actually, it kinda feels like doing fasting. But in doing fasting you'd wait until you break the fast so you can eat anything you want. But in detoxification, you just can't. Still you have the same menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You might be won't get hungry (we almost finished all those fruits we bought just in a day), but... I was still hungry... hungry for meat! Not that I don't like fruits or juice, I love them, but I love meats better. I'm a carnivore!

I did yoga on the evening, and got starved as I get back home. What was the menu for dinner again?? Fruits! Aaaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!! I couldn't stand it anymore!!!! I was starving, and dizzy, and needed meat so badly! Any kind of meat would do: chicken, fish, beef, lamb... any kind! Half joking with husband,  we talked about going out to buy some sate kambing, or sate padang, or soto ayam???  The half-kidding-conversation soon became a real deal, we changed in minute and bought us both soto ayam lamongan right away.  Huge portion for husband. Aaaaahh... so delicious! Meat, at least!

We thought fruit detox would be a piece of cake, hell no! But we're willing to try again someday.... dunno when. :D
At least we keep on doing the less carbo and high protein diet though. Wish us luck.... ;)

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