Monday, November 24, 2008

hoppeless and pessimistic: the main path for loser!

“Sukses itu ga ada yang gampang Dianaaaa….”

I know it so much, understand the sentence really really deep. Nothing good comes easy… none or almost never. But I keep forgetting that idea and find my self almost frustrated every time I forget; very lame and embarrassing actually.

So I work with a pro, who has diving in this career for like twenty years or more, a specialist and perfectionist, a kind who almost think that mistake is a wry… oh…oh. Nah, it’s too much! Well it might be is on our case but a lil harmless mistake wont make us a sinner. And little harmless mistakes always appear in a beginner. And the most interesting part is that I am a beginner.

I know I shouldn’t write this post and keep acting like I’m a pro, but I just feel like I need to type this so it can be a memo for next days maybe when I’ve reached my success (optimistic is very important, my bro!); success is very uneasy indeed!

Comparing to my boss, who is my one and only rival in gaining “client” at office, I’m like plain milk compare to juicy creamy thick chocolate ice cream, or non stuffed biscuit to tiramisu. I’m a big zero while he’s a super hero! Low self esteem is my main problem recently. How can I beat La Tour Eiffel while I’m just a meaningless statue at a discreet park? Then low self esteem leads to pessimistic, while I know that pessimistic leads to failure, and failure is a pathetic path for loser. And L.O.S.E.R my bro, is the last thing I wanna be in this life.

Okay, I know that pessimistic is a prejudice toward God's will (quoted from Andrea Hirata). Who am I to make a prejudice toward the Almighty? So here is my point where I'm gonna reach my dream with full optimistic! Mistakes, failures, hopeless, anything u name it.... screw those words!!!!! I'm DiDi, as D is for dreamer so am gonna fight for my dream! May God be with me...............................................................


Anonymous said...

Baguslah Di :).. be always optimistic, tapi tetap realistis ya, dan jangan lupa keep 'working' hard. Am definitely with u.

Diana Saib said...

optimistic, realistic, working hard, definitely with me... ok copied! so where r u now, y can't i see u if u're really with me??? :P

Anonymous said...

Maunya sih gitu, tapi kalo am really with u waktu kamu nulis comment itu, bisa2 aku diusir sama Om Saib. Orang di situ sampe jam 10 malem aja udah dilirik-lirik 'kapan sih ni anak pulang'..
Tenang Di, ada saatnya nanti ;).

None said...

tauk ni om billy, hush hush...
wakakakakkakaka.. bcanda k'... ;p

eniwei, Amin for the last thing you wrote. Amin ya Rabbal alamin.

yet the thing u said about comparing yourself with other is (imho) so stupid.

if u want to succeed, then succeed for urself, don't need to kick other's ass for it. don't need to set other's as ur standard. set ur own.

eniwei, don't ever say you're a plain milk or whatsoever thingy which pictured u as somewhat looser. never, even slightly.

Because all i know is,
we are what we believe! =)

last but not least,
good luck for ur everything k'!
ailapyau! ;)

Diana Saib said...

"YES, WE CAN!!!" beuh... macam obama aja ini!

BundaDiny said...


Istilah lo menjadi 'plain milk' compare to 'juicy creamy thick chocolate ice cream', or 'non stuffed biscuit' to 'tiramisu' 2b a juicy creamy thick chocolate ice cream u need plain milk, n u'll never know that tiramisu taste better before u taste non stuffed biscuit. Means those think r incomparable. Mereka justru melengkapi satu sama lain.

Kelihatannya si emang enak yang ke dua, tapi lebih sehat yang pertama, gt jg kenyataannya emang lebih menguntungkan sepertinya being ur boss, tp 2b like him emang harus melewati proses spt yg lo hadapi sekarang, itu nanti yang jadi semangat/pondasi/kekuatan atau apapunlah istilahnya buat lo nanti ketika lo udah sukses dan melihat bagaimana besar dan manisnya perjuangan lo di belakang.

Itu juga knapa gw bilang lebih sehat, well psychologically setiap orang pasti melewati suatu fase yg mau gak mau harus dihadapi,dan itu mempengaruhi kesempurnaan pencapaian dalam setiap fase td. Bisa gak lo bayangin kalo lo mendadak jadi 'super hero'??? Apa gak terkaget2 dan terbengong2 lo jadinya, bingung deh mana dan apa yang mesti dikerjain. (Makanya orang mendadak kaya jadi suka aneh2 kali yak??? Karena bingung jg mo diapain uangnya, gak sehatkaaaan???). Dengan proses hingga u reach the top of ur life, lo jd lebih STRONG, strong karena lo punya pengalaman sebelumnya dlm hidup lo, yang udah mengasah dan menempa lo, dan pastinya lo jd lebih menghargai hidup dan perjuangan lo, dan beberapa tahun mendatang lo akan tersenyum2 mengenang semuanya.

Besides plain milk itu emang sehat,kesukaannya Afi-Asyid!!!Apalagi dalam masa/fase pertumbuhan, lo lg dalam fase pertumbuhankan...??? (2b a super hero) Wekekekk.. (Tolong yaaa Ontiii plain milk gak tepat jadi istilah buat looser).

Chayyooo Sister!!! Chayyooo Mimi...!!!

Lop yu Mimi...Lop yu Ontiii !!!

Diana Saib said...

Crazy! U see folks, my sisters are my angels in disguise... I love u sisters! Bloody deep!

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