Yaaak... setelah seminggu lebih di sumatra barat... peri gigi membawa oleh2 foto hasil gempa! Bisa dilihat di http://diana-saib.blogs.friendster.com/my_life/
Males euy mau ng'upload ulang!
Jadi dimulai dari hari pertama which was Saturday, touched down Padang, langsung naik mobil temen bokap ke solok. Searching the closest village to earthquake center. Sampai di lokasi sekitar jam 4 sore kalo ngak salah ya?!
Uuuw, so sad the view that I saw there. I kinda cried a little too. Just imagine if it happen with my family, people I love so much.... what if it happen to my nephews...fuuuh! I can't hold my tears!
Then finally finished around 9 PM. Go straight to my uncle's hause at Bukit Tinggi, numpang nginap! Slept for few hours only, then go travelling again to search other village that got more victims: Ngarai sianok, koto gadang, sungai tanang, tanah datar, simawang, payakumbuah, padang panjang, baso, end up in koto tuo....circling gunung Marapi. I didn't feel tire at all, I love travelling to places that still have beautiful nature. Love nature a lot!
Then, kembali ke bukit tinggi around 10 PM, go to my uncle's house from my mom's side. Then My aunt from Sawahlunto insist to take me to Sawahlunto at the same nite, no matter what time it was hehehe... So I travelled again to Sawah lunto for 2 hours, and arrived at almost 1 AM.. So tired, but hang out with family is more excited! Had a chat a lil bit, watched movie until 2 AM untill my eyes couldn't stand anymore longer, so then I rested my body in bed. Tapi seperti biasa, segimana ngantuknya mata, begitu badan ini jatuh di atas kasur, ngantuk pun hilang! Insomnia sialan!
The next day I got nothing to do. Just hang out in the center of the city, tried to find signal. Somehow my provider can't get good signal in some part of sawahlunto. Amusing my self a little with cousin in the city park. It's a ville actually, say it small ville! But it has a center park, good enough to take children to play. Hanged out there until maghrib. Hoping someone text me hehehe.... but none! yaaaaaaak! Then hanged out with cousin and aunty until morning.. time goes slow there. I love it!
Ih capek euy cerita hidup selama seminggu hehehe... Intinya mah begitu aja lah... Oh, intinya adalah... peri gigi tambah item dan naik 2 kilo begitu pulang dari Sumatra. Tapi anehnya, temen2 peri gigi malah bilang peri gigi terlihat kurus! lha..?? hehehehe.... Yaaaaaak! Oh... and jadi jerawatan pula! Yang anehnya baru bermunculan sehari sebelum pulang! Padahal selama jalan2 di sumbar beberapa hari dengan mobil tanpa AC yang terpaksa harus membuka kaca lebar2 untuk mendapatkan udara segar, gak satu pun jerawat berani tampil... Yaaaaaaaaak!
Will go back to Sumatra in closing time, insyaAllah!
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