But actually I got something to do today. I have to go to garage, my car need to get repaired. There's a lil problem with the brake. Oh... let me rectify... It's not my car, but my dad's. He lend it to me, but now I have to pass it to my sis in bandung. That's y I have to check all the stuff before we take it to bandung, coz my sis wont be aware for such things!
huuuuhuuuu... that car has been like a second mother to mee. I feel so tremendously comfort when I'm inside her. We've been struggle together in this lunatic traffic in jakarta. We have survived from those crazy jakarta's bikers. We even have hit a car and got crushed together too. Uhm... she got crushed, I survived! hehehehe.... We've traversed 60 cm flood at slipi, that made me shaken after a while, but she survived after all and finally parked with beauty! She has toke me all the way I want! Grogol-jatibening, jatibening-grogol, jatibening-wijaya, wijaya-jatibening,.... anywhere else. I cried a lot with her too! My first companion when I don't know what to do! hehehehe... We really got chemistry between us! Bounded with the seat belt! hehehehehehe.... I'm gonna miss her so much! So much so much so much!!!!!!
Well there u go, it's a part of my learning. Coz everything we have around are jsut temporary, one day we just have to leave it or being left. Huuuuuhuuuuu.....sediiiih!
>> Salut mon chat...te joindras bien avec ma soeur!
>> Chaque un a sa place!
>> tu me manqueras, tu sais ca?!
>> It will be my sis's risk from now.... ^_______^ "
1 comment:
"Coz my sis won't be aware for such a thing"
enak saja kau!=p
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